Kundalini Awakening Series

What is Kundalini?
Signs, Symptoms, Phenomena, Shaktipat, and the Process

In this series, I share insights into the Kundalini awakening process - the signs, symptoms, overall process, guiding principles and practices, and the goal (Self-Realization).

I also address some of the challenges of the Kundalini process, such as feeling ungrounded, having depersonalization/derealization (DP/DR), emotional purification, releasing fear, working with the chakras, developing a meditation practice, and more.

As well, I join others in conversation about this evolutionary spiritual force that we all have within us.

Brent Brent

Part 21: Kundalini Awakening - How Long Does It Take?

People often ask me, how long does the Kundalini awakening process take? The answer to the question varies from person to person. There are many things to consider when looking forward on our journey, as well as when we look back at things that happened early on in our journey, during our childhood, and also in previous incarnations, if we like that idea.

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Brent Brent

Part 22: Pre & Post Kundalini Awakening Practices

Some practices, like effortful pranayama, breathwork, visualization, kriyas, and psychedelics shouldn't be engaged once Kundalini Shakti rises within you. Many don't understand this idea and end up overclocking and destabilizing their system unnecessarily because they push too hard with spiritual practices when they no longer need to. Kundalini Shakti has its own intelligence and plan. Once she awakens, you can take a more passive approach to your spiritual practices. This is important to understand, as sometimes, if you put too much effort into manipulating the energy in your body, you will interfere with the Kundalini Shakti process and its natural, organic, spontaneous unfolding.

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Brent Brent

Part 23: Kundalini Symbols Are Everywhere

This section is a bit of a fun one all about the Kundalini symbology that we have all around us, hidden in plain sight. Some of it goes overlooked. We’ll explore the dollar sign, the caduceus, and more.

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Brent Brent

Part 24: Talking About Kundalini with Friends and Family

Today we’re talking all about how to approach the topic of Kundalini awakening within your relationships with friends, family, and loved ones. This is a topic that many people struggle with, understandably so. It’s been a tricky one for me to navigate as well. I’ll be sharing some of my ideas and insights about these dynamics within our relationships and some tips and practices to help you to find balance. Many people approach me with questions along the lines of: How do I speak to the people in my life about what I’m going through with this Kundalini process? They mention that they may have tried in the past, and they were either shut down, ignored, or labelled as crazy. I’ve been there myself.

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Brent Brent

Part 26: Kundalini Rising and Service

The Kundalini process can cause your life to fall apart. But eventually, you will be called to be of service in some way. In this episode, I explore how to orient your life around the idea of service and why. I share some practices for putting yourself in the receptive mode to receive direction from the Universe for how you can be of service and more.

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Brent Brent

Part 28: Kundalini Shakti, Kali, Anandamayi Ma & More

In this section, I discuss the significance of the Goddess Kali and how we can develop a relationship with her which will support us on our Kundalini awakening journey. I share some auspicious stories of my own relationship with Kali, Anandamayi Ma, and Sri Ramana Maharshi. I close with a beautiful tale by Sri Ramakrishna.

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Brent Brent

Part 29: Kundalini Conversation with Lila Sterling

Lila Sterling has over a decade of experience with Kundalini process. Her journey has brought her into deep and intimate relationships with Jesus, Kali, Ganesha, Saraswati, and of course, Kundalini Shakti. As a homeschooling mother of eight children, Lila is a shining example of someone embodying their spirituality in the world, as a householder, with an open heart. Now, she has begun to blossom into a spiritual midwife, supporting others through their rebirth process. Together, we explore themes of devotion, trust, relationship, Neo-Advaita, Rumi, Christianity, Hinduism, midwifery, and more.

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Brent Brent

Part 30: Kundalini Conversation with Mahesi Caplan

Mahesi Caplan has over 30 years of experience with the Kundalini process. Having spent 15 years as a Buddhist monk, his approach to integrating Kundalini awakening is grounded in the structured teachings of Buddhism, which he shares freely with us in this conversation.

Mahesi describes his early experiences of encountering something within himself that was “enormous and high voltage.” Together, we explore Mahesi's awakening story, his time as a monk, relating with others, archetypes, the spiritual support that he offers, and more.

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Brent Brent

Part 31: Kundalini Rising, Weed, Marijuana & Cannabis

Weed can be used to manage some of the difficulties of Kundalini process, but there is a price. I suggest not using marijuana, if possible, to avoid self-sabotage and hardship. If that's not possible, I offer my insights about using cannabis properly within the context of spiritual awakening.

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Brent Brent

Part 32: Kundalini Conversation with Angela

With humility and openness, Angela describes recognizing her spiritual gifts early on, having multiple near-death experiences (NDEs), mystical encounters with Divine beings, Kundalini Shakti awakening, and more. We discuss topics such as the 'Witch Wound', self-love and acceptance, meditation, channelling, connecting with spirit guides, and more.

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Brent Brent

Part 33: Kundalini Awakening is Spiritual Puberty

The same attitude that you approached puberty with can be applied to Kundalini. The processes are very similar. You didn't trip about puberty. Don't trip about Kundalini awakening, either. Just like how you didn't need to read everything about hormones and do things to facilitate puberty, you don't need to read everything about chakras and nadis or do anything to control Kundalini rising, either.

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Brent Brent

Part 34: Kundalini Awakening is Unique For Everyone

The Kundalini Shakti awakening process is highly individualized though there are general overarching themes that we see across the board. Some will have a Kundalini rising from the Root Chakra toward the Crown Chakra, others will experience a Descent of Grace from the Crown Chakra downward, for example. There are an infinite amount of mystical phenomena that can be experienced and no two journeys are identical.

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Brent Brent

Part 36: Kundalini Syndrome Is Not Real

If you think the process is an illness, you will approach it looking for the cure. There is no cure for Kundalini awakening because it is not an illness. There is no cure for puberty either. Kundalini awakening is spiritual puberty - an evolutionary transformation toward Self-Realization.

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Brent Brent

Part 37: Kundalini Conversation with Tawni Todd

Tawni has decades of experience with the Kundalini awakening process and the spiritual journey. She shares her deep wisdom with humility and gentleness. Together we explore her journey and relationship with Christ, the rising of Kundalini, the dark night of the soul, the rebirth process, and more.

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Brent Brent

Part 39: Kundalini Awakening Sucks! How I Survived

I describe the dark, difficult, scary, and uncomfortable parts of my Kundalini awakening process and spiritual journey. I share some of the attitudes and insights that got me through difficult experiences like DP/DR or Zen Sickness, chakra blockages, depression, heartbreak, and more.

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Brent Brent

Part 40: Things I Wish I Knew Before Kundalini Awakening

I look back at some of the insights that would have been useful for me during the difficult parts of the Kundalini awakening process, such as knowing that it is a real phenomenon, the importance of not comparing my path to others, that the body is important for spiritual development, and more.

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