Part 22: Pre & Post Kundalini Awakening Practices

Some practices, like effortful pranayama, breathwork, visualization, kriyas, and psychedelics shouldn't be engaged once Kundalini Shakti rises within you.

Many don't understand this idea and end up overclocking and destabilizing their system unnecessarily because they push too hard with spiritual practices when they no longer need to.

Kundalini Shakti has its own intelligence and plan. Once she awakens, you can take a more passive approach to your spiritual practices.

This is important to understand, as sometimes, if you put too much effort into manipulating the energy in your body, you will interfere with the Kundalini Shakti process and its natural, organic, spontaneous unfolding.

Consider when you went through puberty. You did not need to meddle with the process. You only needed to support your growing and changing body with lots of sleep and good food.

The Kundalini process is similar to puberty. You don’t need to meddle. You can support your process in a more passive and less involved role. You can allow things to unfold spontaneously.

I come across many people who decide that since their Kundalini is awakened, they must now engage in different effortful, forceful, active practices to somehow support it. They overdo pranayama and visualizations. They abuse drugs like plant medicine, including cannabis.

All of these effortful practices interfere with the natural process of Kundalini awakening. A more passive, spontaneous approach is required, involving practices like surrender, awareness meditation, Bhakti and devotional practices.

The following diagram includes a timeline indicating the two halves of the Kundalini process: pre-Kundalini awakening and post-Kundalini awakening. It also includes two sets of practices: Active/Effortful and Passive/Spontaneous. Each should only be practiced under the corresponding half of the journey.

It is safe and necessary to practice passive/spontaneous practices throughout the journey, before and after Kundalini awakening. It is unsafe and unnecessary to practice active and effortful practices throughout the journey, especially not once the Kundalini has been awakened, and especially not with an astute and wise teacher to support you.

For a more in-depth discussion on this diagram, check out the Youtube video or podcast episode above.

Contact me with any questions about your Kundalini awakening process.
Find out more about meeting with me one-on-one



Part 21: Kundalini Awakening - How Long Does It Take?


Part 23: Kundalini Symbols Are Everywhere