Part 36: Kundalini Syndrome Is Not Real

Kundalini syndrome isn’t real. Kundalini is real, but the process is not a syndrome. It’s not a sickness, illness, or something going wrong. It’s the next step in the evolutionary process of a human being.

If I’m not mistaken, the concept of a syndrome is associated with a group of symptoms that have a mysterious underlying cause. So when there’s a mystery illness, we call it a syndrome.

Sometimes, when we find out the cause underlying a syndrome, we still refer to it as a syndrome if the name has caught on. Down’s Syndrome is an example. It was mysterious at first, but it was then understood, but the name stuck.

Kundalini is not like this. It has been known and documented for a very, very long time, around the world. To call it a syndrome means that the phenomena associated with the process are symptoms. But they are not symptoms.

When a caterpillar goes into a cocoon, it’s not experiencing Cocoon syndrome and the urge to build the cocoon isn’t a symptom. It’s a known transformation.

When a child begins to go through puberty, we don’t consider it a syndrome and growing hair under their armpits and sleeping more are not considered symptoms. They are signs of a natural process of human development.

The same goes for Kundalini awakening. The phenomena we experience during the process are signs of the transformation, not symptoms.

This is important to understand. With our word, we create our world. If we consider that our Kundalini process is an illness of sorts, then that means we are victims of it, and it means we have to find a cure. There is no cure for Kundalini just as there is no cure for puberty or for a caterpillar going into a cocoon. It is a natural process.

Shifting your understanding will contextualize this experience for you, snap you out of victimhood and into a state of empowerment.

From there, you will open up your awareness to finding meaningful ways to support your process shared by those who have gone through it, rather than finding ways to shut down the process by those who misunderstand and fear it.

Contact me with any questions about your Kundalini awakening process.
Find out more about meeting with me one-on-one



Part 35: Even a Fool Can Go Through Kundalini Awakening! Surrender to the Mystery


Part 37: Kundalini Conversation with Tawni Todd