Part 34: Kundalini Awakening is Unique For Everyone

The Kundalini awakening journey is highly individualized and unique for each person, though there are general, overarching themes that we see across the board.

This is one of the key themes in my work:

Everyone’s journey is unique. Compare yourself sparingly and don’t let anyone dismiss you or your unique experiences because they are not consistent with theirs.

I’ve mentioned this throughout the series, most clearly at the first part, but it’s so important that it deserves it’s own section.

Everyone has a different disposition, karma, personality, context, past life history, future mission, calling, and purpose. So naturally, everyone’s Kundalini process will be unique.

Of course, there are overarching themes, such as energetic phenomena, emotional purification, shifts in perception of oneself and the world, feelings of unity and oneness with the Divine.

But outside of these universal themes, the unique experiences that people have are literally infinite.

They are infinite because the intelligence that orchestrates it all is Shakti, which is literally the primordial force of all creation. It is creative energy, creative intelligence. It is the ultimate artist and creator. She isn’t cheap. Everyone gets a unique and exciting journey. No duplicates.

This might be obvious to some, but for others, it isn’t. For whatever reason, there are people who think that this journey is black and white and consistent for everyone.

And they use those ideas to compare and measure whether or not someone is having a genuine Kundalini awakening or not.

For example, the other day someone asked me if I saw the blue pyramid when the Kundalini burst out of my crown chakra. I said no. They said oh well that’s what happened to me when I had a complete awakening and so your awakening isn’t complete, like mine.

I thought huh? This person thinks that the Divine only has 1 thing that it can show a person when they have their crown is blasted open and that’s a blue pyramid?

The Divine has infinite unique things for us all to experience. No two mystical experiences are perfectly identical.

Another time someone asked me if I had the dream where I was laying on a table and monks surrounded me and offered some healing energy with their hands yet.

I thought, what do you mean, yet? Not everyone has the exact same dreams. It’s not like we’re all going through the same exact linear progression of the exact same experiences.

This is Shakti, the most brilliant creator ever. Everyone’s journey is unique.

I spoke about how Kundalini is like puberty in a previous episode.

Even puberty is unique for everyone. Some will grow hair on their legs and then have their voice deepen. Some will have their voice deepen first. Some never grow hair on their legs. But they all make it through puberty. So when we get caught up in these comparison games, it’s immature. It’s like comparing how much armpit hair we have.

One reason some may refrain from sharing about their experiences is to avoid having others getting caught up in comparison. We don’t have to compare as if we’re all going to have the exact same experiences in the same order. We’re not. Some will have far out mystical experiences and some won’t. Some will go through intense purging and some won’t. Some will feel Kundalini rise, some will feel it descend, some won’t really feel it much at all. It’s all unique.

We share to appreciate the brilliant stories and unfoldings and to feel validated and to recognize some similarities, but we don’t share for comparison.

I’ve interviewed many people already and I plan to interview more, and my intention is to show that this journey is unique for everyone. They all share very different paths, though if you were to conduct an analysis on them all, you will find some general themes, around healing, self-love, union with the Divine, and humanness.

Check those interviews out if you haven’t already.

Contact me with any questions about your Kundalini awakening process.
Find out more about meeting with me one-on-one



Part 33: Kundalini Awakening is Spiritual Puberty


Part 35: Even a Fool Can Go Through Kundalini Awakening! Surrender to the Mystery