Part 31: Kundalini Rising, Weed, Marijuana & Cannabis

Today, I’ll be giving a bit of straight talk on weed and its place or lack thereof within the Kundalini awakening journey.

I’m not a doctor. I’m just a guy. I’m going to speak against excessive weed use, but I am a reasonable person, so towards the end, I will explain how you can use weed properly during your awakening journey if you so choose.

I meet with many people going through Kundalini Awakening, and when we meet, they often tell me about all the different challenges they're faced with. They tell me they're experiencing many uncomfortable energetic phenomena in their body within their chakras. They have issues sleeping.

If they try to meditate, things get too intense, and they can't handle it.

They sometimes say that they can't find the will, energy, or drive to work, make money, support themselves, and take care of their responsibilities. And they often share all of this with a sense of blaming the Kundalini process for their different issues.

But sometimes, when I hear this from some people, I know they are withholding some key information from me. Which is totally fine. I don't have a right to know every single little detail about a person's life just because they are in touch with me about their spiritual awakening process. So we discuss a bit about what they’ve shared with me. And then eventually, they let me know that they have a regular daily habit of smoking weed. And then, of course, it all makes sense.

So they tell me that they smoke weed because it helps them to manage the Kundalini difficulties, like the spontaneous movements (known as kriyas) or the emotional purification process.

This makes sense. Weed can dull some of these more extreme experiences, for sure. But the issue is that those experiences, like kriyas or emotional purging, are not a problem in the big picture. They are the healing and transformational processes being carried out by the Kundalini.

But when those experiences are treated as an illness, some decide to medicate with weed.

As with any medication or drug, there is always a price. The price of weed is that it stunts your spiritual process, waters down your experience of life, and kills your drive.

Please understand, I’m not some nerd who hasn’t gotten high. I know what weed is all about. I’m speaking from experience here.

Weed is a drug. I know people like to say, no, it’s a plant, and talk about how our body has built-in endocannabinoid receptors and whatever. I get it. Some people need it for chronic pain. I know it has many benefits. But it’s a drug that significantly impacts our systems on every level.

It has its place, which I’ll be speaking about in a little bit. Still, for now, I want to emphasize that many people are abusing it, sabotaging their Kundalini process, then living in denial about it, and acting as if Kundalini is the issue when it’s the weed.

So if you find yourself in a difficult place on your journey and have been smoking weed regularly to cope, I invite you to reevaluate your habits. Though weed may be a short-term solution to some things that arise in the Kundalini process, it can cause great turbulence in the long run.

I see the Kundalini process as like undergoing surgery to remove a tumour. In surgery, we get cut open, we bleed, it’s messy, it’s painful. But it’s good for us in the long run because the tumour gets removed.

If we resist the surgical process, it’s because we don’t understand what’s really going on. We think the surgeon is harming us when they cut us open.

The same goes for smoking weed to mitigate some of the challenges on the Kundalini journey. Every time you smoke weed, it’s like punching the surgeon in the face and knocking them out because you don’t want them to cut you open. It doesn’t make sense once you understand this.

My advice is to quit altogether unless you’re really relying on it for serious medical issues. Of course, I’m not a doctor.

I suggest against the whole wishy-washy idea of cutting back the amount and whatever. Have courage and mindfulness and cut it out entirely, or consider what I’m about to say.

If you don’t want to quit or you can’t or you’re not ready, no problem. Like I said, I am a reasonable person. I think that if everything is done with consciousness, it’s all good. So here’s what I recommend for those who can’t seem to shake the habit.

Approach smoking weed as a spiritual ritual. This means that you give the event as much reverence, respect, planning, mindfulness, and care as you would a sacred ritual. This goes for every time that you smoke weed.

You keep the plant in a sacred container of sorts, not some dirty old shoe box. Before you smoke, you make sure that your set and setting are in order.

Set means your mind set. Are you calm and collected?

Setting means your space. Who are you with? People that you can connect with intimately? Who care for you? Where are you? In some unknown place? A house party with all different kinds of energies all around? Is your space neat and tidy? Is your smoking device clean? Or is it some dirty old bong?

Next, set an intention. What do you want to get out of this sacred spiritual ritual? Make a clear intention. Meditate on it.

Then take the plant and thank it. Tune in energetically to it before you even smoke it. Connect with its essence, its intelligence. Revere it as an aspect of the Feminine Goddess, as Mary Jane, Marijuana, Mother Nature.

Then when you are under her influence, you engage in some form of sadhana, some spiritual practice. Either you meditate, listen to a talk, read, or walk mindfully. No playing video games or watching Trailer Park Boys, which is, by the way, my favourite show of all time.

When you approach weed in this way, every time that you smoke, you will find that the experiences you begin to have will be so profound and powerful. You won’t be able to keep the regular habit up.

You will need time and space to integrate what you have experienced from those sacred spiritual rituals. And eventually, you will be able to let it go completely. It will show you everything it needs to, and then you will have to be on your own to integrate it.

Weed is sacred and powerful. It should be treated as such, always. Here in Canada, it’s legal. But that doesn’t mean that it’s some joke. It’s so powerful. The problem is that most aren’t able to really surrender to its power, so they experience mild positive effects and barely notice all the adverse effects.

Contact me with any questions about your Kundalini awakening process.
Find out more about meeting with me one-on-one



Part 30: Kundalini Conversation with Mahesi Caplan


Part 32: Kundalini Conversation with Angela