Part 40: Things I Wish I Knew Before Kundalini Awakening

A few of things I wish I knew before going through Kundalini awakening:

  • This is a known process which others have gone through, such as Ram Dass

  • The body is important in spiritual development, it is not something to be discarded or escaped

  • Everyone’s process is unique and there is no fixed linear progression

  • The sacred texts, though useful, are often exaggerated

  • The principles of respect (not fear), surrender, observing with unconditional loving awareness, the safety of meditation and solitude, listening with humility, and feeling everything.

    I elaborate more on these principles in part two of the series. Click here.

Contact me with any questions about your Kundalini awakening process.
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Part 39: Kundalini Awakening Sucks! How I Survived


Part 41: Kundalini Awakening, Sleep & Insomnia