Kundalini Awakening Series

What is Kundalini?
Signs, Symptoms, Phenomena, Shaktipat, and the Process

In this series, I share insights into the Kundalini awakening process - the signs, symptoms, overall process, guiding principles and practices, and the goal (Self-Realization).

I also address some of the challenges of the Kundalini process, such as feeling ungrounded, having depersonalization/derealization (DP/DR), emotional purification, releasing fear, working with the chakras, developing a meditation practice, and more.

As well, I join others in conversation about this evolutionary spiritual force that we all have within us.

Brent Brent

Part 1: What is Kundalini Awakening?

Kundalini is a Divine spiritual force that lies dormant, coiled up at the base of the spine in most human beings, awaiting to be awakened. Once awakened, the Kundalini begins an evolutionary process of spiritual transformation upon the body-mind-spirit system of the human being. The Kundalini begins to heal and purify the person while it makes its way up the spinal column. Upon the relative completion of this process, the Kundalini finally activates the Crown chakra, allowing the human being to realize their true divine nature as unconditional consciousness or awareness.

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Brent Brent

Part 2: Kundalini Awakening and the 6 Guiding Principles

Kundalini awakening can be challenging. In this episode, I share some ideas, practices, and principles to rely on to allow for a smooth unfolding. I speak about respecting Kundalini Shakti as the Divine Mother within, surrendering to the process of spiritual transformation, meditation, unconditional loving awareness, and more.

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Brent Brent

Part 3: Kundalini, Energetic Balance, and Staying Grounded

Kundalini awakening can bring a lot of energetic instability to the system. In this part of the Kundalini series, I share some tips to maintain balance across all the chakras to manage adverse symptoms like anxiety, insomnia, depersonalization/derealization (DP/DR), Zen Sickness, or Emptiness Sickness.

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Brent Brent

Part 4: How Kundalini Can Be Awakened

Kundalini awakening can occur for a variety of different reasons. Of course, it can happen as a result of direct spiritual practices, meditation, and Yoga. It can also happen as a result of trauma, drug use, prayer and devotion, or even spontaneously. In this part of the Kundalini series, I explore some of the different reasons for why Kundalini might awaken.

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Brent Brent

Part 6: Kundalini Awakening - What is Shaktipat?

In this part of the Kundalini Series, I explore the topic of shaktipat - how it's given and how it's received. Shaktipat is the transmission of Shakti, which is the essence of Kundalini. It is the power of the Divine Mother. Through shaktipat, a spiritual seeker can have their own Kundalini activated or even awakened with a full rising. There are some caveats to shaktipat though.

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Brent Brent

Part 7: Kundalini Awakening Signs and Symptoms

The Kundalini awakening process involves many different experiences and phenomena. In this episode of The Spiritual Awakening Show, I list some of the most common signs of a genuine Kundalini transformation. I dispel the notion that these signs are symptoms of a sickness. Instead, we explore that they are signs of a beautiful transformation of consciousness. Some signs include energetic phenomena along the spinal column and with the Chakras, drastic changes in diet and lifestyle, spontaneous movements (kriyas), and more.

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Brent Brent

Part 9: Kundalini Awakening, Ego Death, and the Thinning of the Ego

In part 9, we explore the significance of ego death on the Kundalini awakening journey, while also looking at why it’s not the ultimate aim of the spiritual path. We explore how we can come to see beyond the illusion of separation yet still appreciate it as a useful tool to help us function as human beings in the world.

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Brent Brent

Part 10: Kundalini Conversation with Justina Janda

I sat down with Justina Janda to discuss her Kundalini awakening journey. Justina has been conscious of her Kundalini process since 2017. After an interesting journey, her experience has come to be one of greater inner peace and connection with Self, from which she now serves as a mental health counsellor and spiritual coach. Together, we explore her experience with surrender, meditation, kriyas, and more.

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Brent Brent

Part 11: Kundalini Rising and Yoga

In part 11, I explore how to use discernment when practicing Yoga with teachers at studios. I speak on the origins of Yoga, the original intentions (Kundalini awakening, Self-Realization, Samadhi), and how to develop a deep and genuine practice for yourself. I also speak somewhat irreverently about Ashtanga Yoga (Pattabhi Jois) and Kundalini Yoga (Yogi Bhajan).

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Brent Brent

Part 13: Why Some Spiritual Teachers Don’t Need to Speak About Kundalini Awakening

In part 13, I share my thoughts on why some genuine Self-Realized spiritual teachers like Adyashanti, Matt Kahn, and Ram Dass don’t speak very much about Kundalini Shakti awakening, despite having gone through the process themselves. I don’t fault them for not speaking about it. It’s a very polarizing topic and it’s not necessary to speak about it directly at all anyway.

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Brent Brent

Part 14: When Lightning Strikes: Conversation with Kate West and Gordon Curtis

When Lightning Strikes was founded by Katrina Michelle and Kate West with the intention of creating a film all about the Kundalini awakening process. The film is still in the works, but already, a community has formed around it. I sat down with Kate and her partner Gordon, both influential members of the When Lightning Strikes movement, and together we dove deep into their very different awakening journeys. We discussed the unsexy side of Kundalini awakening, entering the flow state, having a relationship with Shakti, and more.

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Brent Brent

Part 15: Kundalini and Dreams

Dreams are significant, especially on the Kundalini awakening journey. In this episode, I discuss healing dreams, learning dreams, mystical encounters with Ascended Masters, shaktipat, samadhi and meditation, and more, all within the context of dreams and Kundalini rising.

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Brent Brent

Part 16: Kundalini, Invoking the Muse, Creativity & Channeling

I'll be sharing with you all about how you can tap into the creative genius of the universe, which is, of course, powered by Shakti, the Muse, by the Goddess, by the Feminine creative force. I'll be sharing a little bit about how I became inspired to become a photographer after a very significant point in my Kundalini journey. I'll also be sharing a little bit of my photography work.

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Brent Brent

Part 18: Kundalini, Meditation and Samadhi - Savikalpa, Nirvikalpa, Sahaja

Samadhi is a sanskrit term referring to a state of meditation. It can be translated to something like - absorption in consciousness. Samadhi is what we begin to access at the more advanced stages of the spiritual process. There are various levels of samadhi: savikalpa, nirvikalpa, and sahaja. Kundalini Shakti is the energetic force that assists us in meditation and spiritual awakening.

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Brent Brent

Part 19: Kundalini Conversation with Christian Koncz

Christian Koncz has over 13 years of experience with Kundalini and an intimate understanding of the process. He humbly shares about his mystical and auspicious journey of awakening involving encounters with the Divine Feminine, readjusting back into the world after a significant spiritual transformation, healing, and more.

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Brent Brent

Part 20: Kundalini Conversation with Mel Hofmann

Mel Hofmann has over 50 years of experience with the Kundalini process. She began practicing Yoga and meditation at a very young age and has had an intense journey ever since. We explore some of the exciting and challenging parts of her unfolding. Today, Mel serves as an energy healer and artist based in California.

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