Brent Spirit - Spiritual Teacher - Supporting Your Awakening, Ascension into 5D Consciousness, and Kundalini Rising

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Kundalini Conversation with Tree Wiseblood - Awakening Through the Body | Shakti Awakening Part 64

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Tree Wiseblood is a spiritual mentor and healer with a deep understanding and direct experience of the Kundalini Shakti awakening process. We discuss her healing journey, trauma, the nervous system, no-self and non-duality, psychedelics, and more. We also explore her relationship with Avatar Meher Baba, Mooji, Sri Ramana Maharshi, Native American Spirit guides, and nature.

Tree offers retreats, workshops, healing sessions, and Kundalini support.

Contact me with any questions about your Kundalini awakening process.
Find out more about meeting with me one-on-one
