Brent Spirit - Spiritual Teacher - Supporting Your Awakening, Ascension into 5D Consciousness, and Kundalini Rising

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Kundalini Awakening Conversation with Craig Holliday: The Bliss and the Nightmare | Part 67

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Craig Holliday is a gifted Meditation and Spiritual Teacher trained in both the Yogic and Buddhist traditions, a founding member of the Association for Spiritual Integrity, and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) offering mindfulness-based therapy and nondual therapy to individuals.

He offers weekly online Satsang, meditation groups, and a Kundalini support group and travels frequently offering Nondual Meditation Workshops, Retreats, and Satsang.

In our conversation, Craig shares his deep wisdom of the Kundalini Shakti awakening process and spiritual transformation. Together, we explore the bliss and the nightmare of his experience, his relationship with teachers like David Pz, Adyashanti, and Matt Kahn, the importance of unconditional love, and more.

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Craig's Course on Kundalini Awakening:

Contact me with any questions about your Kundalini awakening process.
Find out more about meeting with me one-on-one
