Kundalini Shakti Awakening and Healing with Unconditional Love | Part 63

Explore the most powerful spiritual practice that I’ve ever come across - healing with unconditional loving awareness. Make peace with the difficult, uncomfortable, painful experiences in life and get through your Kundalini awakening and chakra purification process.


Today I want to share with you a powerful spiritual practice and concept that has been transformative for me. This perspective helped me navigate challenging times during my Kundalini awakening process. I'm excited to share these ideas with you, addressing questions about the nature of reality, meditation's purpose, and unconditional love.

We'll discuss embracing uncomfortable experiences, whether internal or external. This universal practice applies to all aspects of life.

Now, let's explore a diagram illustrating these concepts. Imagine a spectrum of light, with white at the top, representing awareness or witnessing consciousness. This is the state of observing without judgment. Through exercises, we can become aware of our breathing, feelings, and thoughts.

Awareness's essence is recognizing that all experiences, emotions, and thoughts are part of this spectrum. This is key to practicing unconditional love. In spirituality, we hear "everything is one," meaning everything is interconnected and divine. Everything, even contrasting emotions, exists on a spectrum of light.

Spirituality often speaks of "everything as energy." Namaste, a Sanskrit greeting, means "the light in me recognizes the light in you." Unconditional love means recognizing divinity in all things, even the challenging things. This is where healing starts.

Accepting discomfort is difficult due to our conditioned separation of positive and negative experiences. Unconditional love means accepting all experiences as part of the divine. Resisting or labeling things as bad reinforces them. Acceptance leads to healing by allowing these experiences to flow.

Remember, all experiences are part of the same spectrum of light. Unconditional love encompasses joy and discomfort, creating healing through acceptance.
Well, we can heal them by giving them the recognition that they deserve, By seeing them as what they really are, by saying namaste, by saying I love you.

It's all these difficult, ugly, messy, negative, uncomfortable things.

Now I know, I know, this sounds absolutely outrageous.

You know why?

And how could we possibly say I love you or or namaste to a painful sensation in our body, or an emotion or thought, or an experience or even a person?

Well, like I was saying, it requires courage.

And this messenger is an invitation for you to give it a try to tap into this power.

Because like I said, it's the most powerful healing concept and practice that I've come across through my entire journey.

So it requires courage.

To do this requires courage to look at something uncomfortable, something difficult, and to say, yes, you two are part of the light.

Now, courage is the quality of the heart.

You know, we talk about the courage of a lion, the heart of a lion.

The word courage comes from the French word cur, which translates in English to heart.

So we have to find courage.

And this is where love really comes in.

This is how I would define love.

It's it's the courage to offer it the things that you know may not be easy to love.

That's where you know, we're invited to go to higher levels on our spiritual path and spiritual development.

So you see, when you say namaste to something uncomfortable, when you say I love you to something negative, this just means that you have the maturity and the courage to say yes.

This experience is not ideal.

It doesn't feel good, but it's still part of the spectrum of light.

That's a good sportsmanship.

That's playing fair, right?

If you're playing sports and you make a foul and you fess up to it, you own it.

That's playing fair.

It's good sportsmanship.

You don't like it.

You don't like to fess up.

It doesn't feel good to you feel maybe afraid of doing that.

I feel maybe embarrassed or ashamed.

It doesn't feel good.

You're not celebrating your mistakes, but there's comes great courage in saying, yeah, I'm going to play fair.

These uncomfortable things, they're also part of the light.

That's what it means to have courage here.

And it doesn't mean that we have a whole party around these uncomfortable things doesn't mean we celebrate them.

We just own up to them and say, yeah, yeah, this too is part of the light in some way.

Doesn't feel good, but it's still part of the light.

So that's all these negative things are really asking of us.

That's all they're asking of us.

They don't even want us to to like, you know, go out and act on some of our our negative emotions or thoughts.

That's not what they're asking.

They just want to be recognized as part of the light without being avoided, ignored, suppressed, denied, or even coming at these difficult experiences with an attempt to change them, right?

To change them and transform them into something more comfortable.

They don't want that.

They want to be recognized as they are without judgment, as part of the light.


So these things arise just to be seen, just to be acknowledged.

They just want to be recognized as what they really are.

Like, I'm saying, you know, they don't want a whole party.

We don't have to celebrate difficult emotions.

We don't have to say, yeah, I'm feeling frustrated.

This is amazing.

This is part of the light to, you know, we don't have to dance.

We just recognize that these difficult things arising are also part of light.

So it's a very neutral stance.

A neutral but honest stance, OK.

We also don't have to find comfort in these difficult emotions.

We don't have to try and find how to sit with something like frustration in our body and find comfort in it.

That's not even what we're asking.

It's even, it's even more simple and basic than that.

We can sit uncomfortably and say I don't like this feeling.

This doesn't feel good in my body.

These thoughts, I can't stop them.

They don't feel good, but I'm still going to recognize that they're part of light by saying namaste, uncomfortable thought.

Namaste painful emotion.

I see you, I love you.

Not separate from the lights, but you're still uncomfortable.

I would prefer if you left, sure.

But I do recognize your true nature, which is, of course, part of the light.

So that's where courage and maturity comes in.

And so in doing so in in in offering these difficult emotional experiences.

Thoughts, maybe even situations, people, etcetera.

And offering them the recognition of what they really are, as their true nature, as part of the light, as existing on this full rainbow spectrum of light.

We actually allow them to arise fully and wholly and completely into our awareness, which is of course the white portion arise fully into the white light without avoidance, without ignoring them, without trying to change them, just letting them arise as they are into the light of our awareness.

And that's how they can be released from our system, released and healed and forgiven.

This is healing because that light of awareness is is almost like a pure white burning fire.

Anything that comes into it without any of our own doing, which is trying to avoid it from coming into our awareness directly to be seen as what it really is.

That white light purifies it, burns it up, cleanses it.

This is the the practice of healing.

This is how we heal with unconditional love.

So on the spiritual path, we're being called to expand our window of acceptance, patience, and tolerance for the things that arise within our experience.

Now, ironically, some spiritual teachings, some ideas seem to imply that everything on the path should be peaceful, joyful, blissful.

And if you're not experiencing that well, then you must be doing something wrong.

You must not be a good, you know, traveler of the spiritual path.

You know, we see sometimes these ideas almost like in everything is love and light, love and life.

No negative vibes, no bad vibes around here, don't lower my vibration.

Don't, you know, bring me down to the level of ego or to level of pain, right.

So we have these sort of spiritual ideas that completely dismiss the uncomfortable parts of life, uncomfortable sides of life.

And this is really unhealthy because absolutely impossible.

It's absolutely possible as a human being, because as a human being we will always have access to the full range of emotional experiences, from the most uncomfortable to the most joyful, blissful, ecstatic.

And so it doesn't matter how awakened we are, how spiritual we are, the full of the full range of emotions always available.

Now that doesn't mean that we're going to experience everything on that full range equally or as often or very intensely.

In fact, the more that we practice recognizing even the difficult things as part of the light, paradoxically they they seem to arise with less intensity once we've moved through them.

But the willingness here is to say, yeah, it doesn't matter how spiritually evolved I am, I'm fully willing to feel totally frustrated, totally jealous, totally angry, sad, depressed.

It's all welcome here because any emotion, thought, or feeling is part of the light.

Full acceptance, full tolerance, a high degree of patience and maturity is actually the paradox when you're fully willing to be angry and depressed and upset, but then you can actually move into more comfortable and ideal emotions more easily, Okay.

So if we can personify a negative emotion just to just to give another picture of how this looks, let's personify an emotion like jealousy, Okay.

So when I say personify, I mean turn it into almost like a character, like a person okay.

So we all carry a little child inside of us named jealousy.

Now maybe jealousy was born when we saw another kid with a toy that we wanted but we couldn't have.

And so maybe we cried about it, We felt jealous and maybe went to our parents.

We said, you know, I feel this way.

I want what they have.

And maybe our parents didn't validate this experience, this this inner child jealousy within us.

They never, maybe they maybe never explained to us that, you know, jealousy is is a valid and normal part of life.

Everybody has different things.

Sometimes people are going to have things that we want.

We can't have them.

This normal is natural.

It's okay to be jealous at times, right?

Instead, our parents said, no, you can't be jealous.

That's wrong.

That's unfair.

It's it's unjust.

Look at all the toys you have.

Your emotion is invalid.

It's wrong.

Don't feel that way.


And so then we became confused by jealousies, uncomfortable presence within our minds, within our bodies.

We felt that there was a mistake.

We felt that we shouldn't feel this way because like our parents said, we shouldn't feel this way because we've got all the toys already.


Now later on, as we grow up into adults, jealousy may arise again and so now we may feel like okay, Well, I need to do something to get rid of jealousy.

I can't turn to my parents.

Of course, I'm an adult to have to do something for myself.

So maybe we go out and we try to satisfy jealousy by giving jealousy some some new toys, some new experience.

Maybe it's, you know, a new car or a dirt bike or something.

You know, try to satisfy jealousy, because maybe our friends have these things that we want, so maybe we keep up with the Joneses.


In this way.

We're trying to sue their own jealousy, so trying to soothe this character named jealousy.

Maybe we want to also be seen and recognized the others, so we flaunt things around, right?

We want others to see it, to then soothe jealousy within us, to make jealousy go away to chance form and change jealousy because we don't feel jealousy has a place within our experience, right?

Also, maybe we try to get jealousy to shut up.

Jealousy sometimes speaks, sometimes gets moving in our body, makes us feel tense, makes us feel tight, makes us feel down.

Thoughts may arise.

I want this.

I want this.

I can't have that.

Why do those?

What do those people get?

And I don't?

So maybe what we do to shut jealousy up is we maybe turn to drugs or alcohol or some other form of addiction.

OK, but of course jealousy can never be soothed, never be satisfied, because jealousy, by their very nature, by their very fundamental essence, is jealous.

And jealousy will always be jealous.


And we can't change.

We can't transform it.

We can't.

That's what jealousy is.

So the invitation here is to acknowledge jealousy for who they are within our system.

Without judgment, why don't we give ourselves the validation that we didn't receive as a child when we were jealous?

So all it takes is to just allow jealousy a moment in the light of our meditative awareness of the white portion of the spectrum, that purifying white light, we allow jealousy to to walk right into the awareness and be fully present and expressive in our body.

In our mind, we let jealousy speak, we let jealousy tighten our body, make us feel down.

All of that, because that's all that jealousy really wants.

All jealousy wants is to have its moment in the light, to be recognized that it's not separate from all the other emotions.

Jealousy feels left out because all throughout our life we've openly welcomed joy, pleasure, bliss, excitement.


We left jealousy out.

So jealousy feels abandoned, isolated.

And that's why jealousy continues to come around, trying to get our attention, our awareness, our unconditional attention, our love.

Jealousy just wants recognition.

And so when we say namaste to jealousy, in other words, when we say the light in me, the light of my awareness in me recognizes the light in you.

Of course.

Then jealousy says, oh, thank you for finally accepting me as I am without trying to change me, without trying to ignore me.

Thank you for finally validating my existence and recognizing that I'm also part of the full spectrum of light, just like every other emotion, thought, or feeling.

So that's how then jealousy is able to to walk away, to leave our system.

In other words, we're able to heal from the painful emotion that we call jealousy.


And so if we look at it in this way, it's almost kind of sad.

It's like, oh, this poor, this poor child named jealousy.

All the other children got attention, but jealousy never did.

And jealousy never did anything wrong.

Jealousy just being who they are at their core essence, which is, of course, jealous.

But there's nothing wrong with that.

It's it's a normal part of the human experience, right?

And so if we give ourselves permission to allow those parts of us to come into light, this is how we heal with unconditional love.

And we can do this with anger, and we can do with rage, with bored, with frustration.

It doesn't matter.

All we have to do is see these things as they are without judgment.

Everything is part of the light.

And if that idea of personifying them maybe as small children helps you, it sort of evokes the compassion, caring part of you that you know wants to care for children.

Even when children are being bad, we still love them.

We still, you know, honor their, their, their innate innocence.

It's the same same way with these emotions.

We just want to honor their innate connection to the light.

And then, of course, you know, this is a really powerful practice, and it's so powerful that it actually even applies to the parts of us that are doubtful or even bored of the practice itself.

So maybe we're sitting with with what's arising and we're like, I don't like this practice.

Doesn't make sense.

I don't like it's dumb.

I don't want to do it.

It's wasting my time.

Or if it's like, oh, this is so boring, you know, why aren't we, you know, doing some chakra visualization or some mantras or, you know, doing some movements.

This is really boring.

Just sitting here and allowing all the things arising in me and seeing them as part of light.

We can actually take a step back and say, oh, those thoughts are also part of the light.

The thoughts that want to resist the practice are also not separate from the divine.

So we can always take a step back and look at those thoughts and say, Oh yeah, these thoughts are here.

And they're welcome too, because that's all they want.

They don't want.

So a thought of boredom that wants to get involved, or that seems to want to lead us to escaping the meditation, for example, and to get involved in some sort of other activity.

It doesn't actually want us to get involved in other activity.

It just wants to be seen.

And so we can serve it in the meditation by somebody recognizing that, oh, even this thought of restlessness, even that's part of the light too.

So everything can be digested or metabolized in this field of awareness just by recognizing that everything we can experience inwardly or externally is all part of the light.

So that's the paradox.

That's how we can allow these things to come up, to be released.

So this is my invitation to you.

Can you see everything as part of the light, as part of the divine spectrum of light?

Can you see the parts of view that find this invitation daunting as also valid parts of the light?

I think it's valid.

It's a very difficult practice, and if parts of you arise that say I don't like this, it's too difficult, it's messy.

I don't want to do it.

I'd rather ignore, I'd rather label, I'd rather avoid.

I'd rather escape some of the difficult experiences that are rising within me.

I think that's valid because it's all valid.

It's all part of the light.

It's just at our own pace with courage.

When we're ready in our heart is able to to hold everything in it, no matter how difficult, how painful.

And that's how we advance on our spiritual journey.

And that's how we heal a lot, very, very quickly.

So let me know your thoughts, questions, feedback and experiences around all of this.

Like I said, you can visit brandspirit.com for my free programs.

The course that I mentioned, Grounded: Spiritual Emergence and integration includes some of these concepts as well.

We go a little deeper.

We talk a lot more about also soothing the nervous system and finding safety on a visceral physical level in the body.

So we can also address some of the adverse effects of having too much spiritual energy up in the head, feeling ungrounded, feeling depersonalized, dissociated, getting loopy thoughts, anxious thoughts, insomnia, you know, having a lot of head pressure.

So all of that is also addressed in this course.

We go really deep over 8 hours.

Check it out.

Thank you so much for all of your support.

Until next time, namaste, much love and peace.

Contact me with any questions about your Kundalini awakening process.
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