Brent Spirit - Spiritual Teacher - Supporting Your Awakening, Ascension into 5D Consciousness, and Kundalini Rising

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Part 15: Kundalini and Dreams

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Right from the beginning, I just want to let you know that though some may have an attitude of dismissal and minimization towards dreams, they are very significant.

The fact of the matter is that we don't know what dreams really are. We've been to the Moon, we’re able to clone animals, and do all sorts of complicated things. But we don't know what dreams are.

Every human being spends a very large portion of their life sleeping and dreaming and yet we don't know what dreams really are. Just let that sink in. It's like nobody wants to really talk about it. We each have these really crazy experiences at night, and then in the morning we wake up and pretend like none of it ever happened.

We don’t know what dreams are. We’re not as clever as we might think.

So that’s why we shouldn’t have a dismissive attitude towards dreams by saying “oh that was just a dream”. That’s like saying “oh that was just a psychedelic experience” in response to the experiences some might have with plant medicine.

Well, those experiences can be life-changing and significant, as can dreams, which by the way, are influenced by the most powerful psychedelic compound, DMT.

I want to hash out a little bit about what I feel dreams might be about. I myself don't know the full answer. But I know that they are significant, especially within the context of the Kundalini awakening process.

Within the dream state, we are often in a state of minimal resistance and therefore were able to be receptive to guidance and experiences that our system needs to have in order to proceed on our evolutionary journey.

This is why in a dream, you might be able to live out some of your fantasies. You're able to manifest those fantasies within the dream world because you're not in a state of resistance. It's the same way that things work in waking life.

If you're not in a state of resistance, you enter into the flow, and you're able to attract the things you desire and live out your fantasies. But of course, in our waking life, our ego is a little bit more rigid. a little bit more fearful and controlling, and we are in a state of resistance, so things happen much more slowly in terms of their development and manifestation.

But like I said within the dreams we are able to be much more receptive and things can happen quickly.

I don't know everything about dreams but I've sort of categorized them in a few different ways for myself, and maybe you might find my categorization useful.

Firstly, I would say that there are some dreams that are somewhat meaningless, but they are important because they are how our mind releases the momentum from thoughts and processing earlier on in the day. So if we are spending a lot of time doing a certain activity or thinking about a certain topic, our mind will continue with that momentum into the dream until it's depleted.

That's why sometimes we have dreams that are just completely random, meaningless, and chaotic without any sort of clear themes, experiences, or events.

Next, we have dreams which I would call learning dreams. Within learning dreams, there are experiences that we are given which are kind of like live-action lessons. These lessons can’t really be given to us easily in waking life, because there is a time delay. But within the dream world, we can be thrown into a learning situation instantly.

For example, I once had a dream where I was in my bedroom, and all of these very dark spooky-looking people were trying to enter my bedroom. They had made a lineup down the stairs to the front door of my house and then all the way down the street.

When I woke up from this dream, I received the insight and the lesson that I need to maintain proper boundaries of my space, my energy, and my time. Within the dream, I wasn't enforcing those boundaries and people were lining up to come into my room and invade my space.

So I made a conscious effort to work on my boundaries within my waking life. I told myself that even though I am a lightworker, that does not mean that my energetic space, aura, time, or energy is available for everyone at all times. And that it's okay to have healthy boundaries.

So then a short while after that, I had another dream in which I was in my house and the doorbell rang. I opened the door and there stood two gigantic 8 ft tall men in really big trench coats looking very intimidating. They were asking for me.

I immediately shut the door in their face. I was scared. But then I remembered that I am the light. By default, the light is more powerful than the darkness. This is all you have to remember whenever you encounter any dark being.

So I opened the door and I said: “I'm Brent, let's talk outside”. And I met them in the street. There in the street, they tried to attack me but I was able to fly up where they couldn't reach me. We had a little bit of a battle and I killed one of them. After that, the other guy got scared and ran away. Pretty exciting.

The lesson in this dream was a continuation of the first one about boundaries. I did not let those people into my space. I met them in a neutral space, the street, and I remembered that I was light. In remembering who I am, I couldn't get drawn into a state of fear and make myself vulnerable to whatever psychic attack I was under.

That's an example of what I would call a learning dream, in which the lessons translate over into the real world as well.

Then there are some healing dreams. Due to the lack of resistance within the dream state, we can undergo intense feelings very rapidly that would be very difficult and time-consuming to undergo within the waking state.

So remember that things are accelerating on the planet in terms of our ascension, so the universe, or our higher selves, or our Kundalini, is taking advantage of even the dream state to make all of this healing and transformation happen at the rate that it's meant to happen.

You might have a healing dream in which you encounter a figure which you identify to be some sort of healer and they either offer you some sort of healing, maybe they tell you to do something which triggers a sort of purification experience, or you may have an experience in which you're able to go through a release of pent-up emotional trauma, conditioning, and pain.

So, for example, I had some dreams in which I was very sad and crying about something. Or there were other dreams in which I was feeling guilty about something.

It’s important to know that these emotions we’re experiencing in the dream aren't necessarily coming from nowhere. They are emotions we’ve been carrying within us this whole time. It's just that now, within the safety of the dream, we're able to release them and wake up from the dream a little bit lighter with a little bit less conditioning and a little bit less samskaras, as they call it within the Yogic tradition.

Another benefit of having these healing experiences within dreams is that they do not have any real-world implications as they are happening. So what I mean is you can experience things within the dream that would get pretty messy if you were to experience them within your waking life. For example, I had a few dreams in which I killed people.

Of course, I would never do this in the waking life. In my understanding, these dreams in which I became violent to the point of killing people were part of the healing of my nervous system which was stuck in a state of freeze.

The nervous system can go into fight, flight, or freeze mode. And when it goes into freeze mode without having carried out the entire fight or flight process, now the tension is lodged within our system and we carry it around with us.

So in my experience, in my waking life, maybe there were times when I was under some sort of threat or attack and I went into freeze mode. And now, to release the lodged tension, I've got to carry out the full process involving either fighting or fleeing.

So in some dreams, I experienced a full expression of fighting. I was defending myself, getting angry, and allowing myself to be angry to the point of being violent and killing somebody.

So dreams are safe place to carry out some certain emotional Expressions without causing a mess.

So these are just some out some ways in which you can contemplate your dreams in order to get value out of them as opposed to seeing them as just these random experiences that have no real meaning.

On the Kundalini journey, dreams can take on a certain mystical quality as well. You may begin to experience certain spiritual themes, symbols, encounters with Divine beings, and even symbolic encounters with animals.

You may have dreams where you’re visiting a beautiful temple, or a church, in which you're experiencing a deep heightened state of consciousness.

You may have dreams in which you encounter Divine beings who give you some sort of blessing or message or healing.

You may encounter certain symbols such as, most notably with the Kundalini awakening journey, snakes. You might also have encounters with feminine entities, cats, and other expressions of the Divine Feminine, which are of course synonymous with Kundalini Shakti.

For example, I had a dream in which I was on a train going very fast and that train was filled with women of all ages all wearing bright red dresses. When I woke up it was very clear to me that this was a representation of Kundalini Shakti.

The train was synonymous with a snake-like symbol moving very rapidly across the track, which was of course my spinal column, the Sushumna nadi. And of course, the women wearing the feminine colour of red were the Divine Mother.

To me, there's no deeper meaning besides just knowing that I am in the company of the Divine Feminine and that the Kundalini process is underway. This is how the Kundalini herself, or the Universe, was communicating to me that I am in the midst of an ongoing Kundalini awakening process.

Another example: a common theme that I've probably had thirty or forty dreams about involved going up in an elevator. Again this represents the Kundalini Shakti ascending up the spinal column. In some of these dreams I was taken to the penthouse in a building in which I encountered a very radiant and Divine man. I would attribute this man to Shiva, who resides at the crown within the Yogic system.

Of course, this just represents that the ascension process is underway, the evolutionary process is underway, and I am moving towards higher and higher states of consciousness.

I've had many similar dreams like this in which I encountered different known Divine beings and Ascended Masters. I've also had some dreams which I encountered great healers and very radiant and evolved beings who I didn't necessarily recognize, but they offered me some great healings and blessings.

You can also have dreams in which you experience Kundalini awakening phenomena such as having a Kundalini rising or some sort of chakra opening or activation. You can also have dreams in which you are given shaktipat transmission.

Now, just because this is happening within a dream does not mean that it's not real or genuine or valid. If you do happen to have some sort of awakening or some sort of transformative experience, they are valid even though they occurred in a dream.

Like I said, things are happening very quickly now. Not everybody has time to go and meet a guru to give them shaktipat in person, for example. Now we can be given shaktipat in a dream. This is part of the constant acceleration happening with many people on the planet that this time.

As well, you might have dreams with strong themes of love and devotion for God. This is called bhakti in Yoga. You might weep with bliss and joy, chant mantras, sing, dance, or do Yoga poses. You might also meditate and enter into samadhi.

Keep in mind, all of these experiences are valid, and beneficial spiritual practices that will have real world results. For example, I have had many dreams in which I go into a deep state of samadhi. I wake up into the real world with my eyes still closed, still in samadhi. The benefits of the spiritual experience taking place within a dream carries over into the real world. They are not two completely separate dimensions. They’re connected.

Sometimes you might be stumped about how to interpret a dream, and that's okay. I believe that the universe, or our higher selves, or our intuition is trying to communicate with us through dreams in the clearest way possible. I don't believe it’s trying to come across as mysterious, confusing, or cryptic.

With this understanding, try to look at your dreams and interpret them in the most basic way possible. What does your gut say about what a dream means or represents? Go with that.

So for example, with my dreams with elevators, we can boil it down to the straightforward fact that an elevator means going up. And because I was in the elevator going up that means that I am going through an ascension process and things are unfolding as they should in terms of my journey to words higher states of consciousness.

That's all it really means there's nothing much more to it. It doesn't mean that God is telling me to become an elevator mechanic or to go to the penthouse of a building and look for somebody or anything really crazy like that. Look for the most simple meaning and it's probably that.

So dreams are sometimes very hard to remember. When we wake up in the morning, sometimes have a crystal clear memory of them, but within a minute or less that we can begin to forget.

So to remember your dreams, write them down or make a voice note or text a friend about what you remember immediately when you wake up. Sometimes we wake up and we think, that was a really fascinating dream, I'll remember it! And then we distract ourselves with our morning routine and completely forget all about the dream.

You can also keep a dream journal in which you record certain dreams. In the future, when you are more astute in your ability to interpret them, you may look back and find more meaning in your dreams. You may also notice certain themes emerging over time.

The Kundalini awakening process is an ongoing 24/7 process once it begins. So of course dreams are going to be a part of it. Pay attention to your dreams. and don't invalidate some of the experiences you have within the dream world just because they’re dreams. Remember, we don’t know what dreams are. Some of my dreams have been some of the most notable experiences of my life, and I cherish them.

So I hope today's episode has been insightful for you. There's so much more that I could have shared about dreams but perhaps in another part of the series, we can explore it further.

Contact me with any questions about your Kundalini awakening process.
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